Experience You Can Rely On
Advocates You Can Trust

Make Establishing Paternity Simple

Establishing paternity is crucial in Florida family law cases. Paternity is a gateway to initiating child support payments, creating a custody agreement and solidifying parental rights. Despite the importance of paternity, too many people put off establishing paternity.

If you need a skilled, compassionate attorney to guide you through the paternity process in Miami, look no further than De Armas & Arriete, LLC. We have more than 25 years of combined experience helping families through their family law needs, including paternity establishment.

How To Establish Paternity In Florida

There are several ways to establish paternity in Florida. The most common ways are through marriage or through the establishment of a paternity case. When a child is born to a married couple, the husband is presumed to be the father. In all other cases, paternity can only be established through the establishment of a paternity case in court.

There are four ways we can help you establish paternity when a child is born to an unmarried couple:

  • The parents can get married and update the birth record.
  • Both parents can sign an acknowledgment of paternity.
  • A genetic test can be ordered by the court to identify the father.
  • A judge may name a man the “default” father if he refuses to test.

In cases where paternity is contested, the outcome almost always hinges on the results of genetic testing.

Why You Should Establish Paternity

There are numerous benefits to establishing paternity for both parents and children. For example, a paternity decision can give a father the right to have a say in how the child is raised and receive parental responsibility and timesharing rights. It also makes it possible for a mother to pursue child support payments. A child can benefit from that support as well as the option of being covered by their father’s health insurance policy and the ability to share in Social Security benefits.

Let Our Experience Help You. Schedule A Free Consult Today.

We have been representing the interests of mothers, fathers and children in paternity and other family law cases in Florida courts for more than ten years. Call 786-600-4437 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation with an experienced family law attorney. Hablamos español.